Health and Safety Policy


It is the policy of L Healy Ltd to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the Safety, Health and Welfare of all our employees, sub-contractors, members of the public and anyone who may be affected by the way we conduct our activities.

It identifies who is responsible for ensuring essential actions are taken and how we check to ensure that they are effective.  We recognise that a safety culture that involves everyone within the company is important and this shall be promoted.

L Healy Ltd attaches the greatest importance to Safety, Health and Welfare and will ensure that they have parity with all our other business activities and objectives.  Adequate financial resources will be provided as required.

General Policy

L Healy Ltd recognises its responsibility to provide a working environment that is safe and without risk to health paying particular attention to:

  • Providing and maintaining plant and systems of work that are safe and without risk to employees and other persons likely to be affected by work activities.
  • Making proper arrangements for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of materials and substances.
  • Providing information, instruction, training and supervision to assist all employees and other affected persons to avoid injury or ill health and contribute positively to their own safety and health at work.
  • Providing a safe place of work and working environment, which has safe access/egress and does not present a risk to the health of any person.
  • Ensuring suitable welfare facilities are available. Ensuring any contractors employed by L Healy Ltd are competent to discharge work undertaken and are aware of the relevant company rules and emergency procedures.


In establishing our Health and Safety Policy, we will set the following objectives:-

  • Prevent injury to personnel and damage to equipment
  • Bring this policy to the attention of all employees and contractors.
  • Ensure that arrangements are in place for Health & Safety.
  • Review the effectiveness of our policy and arrangements at regular intervals.
  • Consult with our employees regarding Health and Safety issues.

Date: 04/01/2022

Review Date: January 2023